
Ex-Chile goalkeeper Roberto Rojas has liver transplant, says hospital

SAO PAULO -- A Brazilian hospital says former Chile goalkeeper Roberto Rojas has undergone a liver transplant.

Sao Paulo's Albert Einstein hospital said in a statement Wednesday that the operation went as expected on Tuesday.

The hospital said the 57-year-old Rojas is in an intensive care unit but his condition is "good" and "improving."

The former goalkeeper was hospitalized last year to treat a urinary infection, chest pain and a pulmonary edema.

Rojas played for Chile in the 1980s and made worldwide headlines for self-inflicting a cut to his forehead in a World Cup qualifier against Brazil in 1989. He was banned by FIFA, and Chile was left out of the 1994 World Cup because of the incident.

Rojas was also a player and coach at popular Brazilian club Sao Paulo.